Fibre optics cabling is the core of today's datacom networks. It is a reliable and cost effective transmission medium, but due to the need for precise alignment of very small fibres, problems ranging from end-face contamination to link damage can occur. Regardless, narrowing down the source(s) of failure is often a time-consuming and resource-intensive task. Fluke Networks offers an industry-leading portfolio of innovative fibre optic cable test, advance OTDR and certification solutions, that are used worldwide because of their ease-of-use, accuracy, and durability.

Be able to do more fibre optic cable test and certification quickly, accurately, and profitably achieve system acceptance on cabling and maintenance projects. Everybody says our fibre optic testers are easy to use and we have the patents to prove it.
SmartLoop™ and bi-directional averaging
Easy to use Encircled flux (EF) cords
Method for displaying multiple MPO endfaces
Set Reference Wizard
Method for displaying loss and polarity of MPO links
FI-3000 design

OptiFiber® Pro OTDR Family
OTDRs make novices and experts faster.
OptiFiber Pro (model OFP2-100-Q,OFP2-100-SI, OFP2-100-S, OFP2-100-MI, OFP2-100-M, OFP2-200-S, OFP2-200-S-NW, OFP2-200-Si).
Multiple wavelengths (850, 1300, 1310,1490, 1550 and 1625 nm) support LAN, datacenters, PON, FTTx and outside plant applications.
Automated setup senses fibre characteristics and sets measurement parameters
Manual Expert mode allows simple adjustments to automated settings for detailed testing.
EventMap automatically identifies events including connectors, splices, bends, and splitters
Gesture-based interface allows fast, in-depth trace analysis View

Fiber Inspection and Cleaning
Get a Grip on the Most Efficient, Most Complete Inspection Solution
FiberInspector Ulta (model FI-3000, FI 1000, FI 7000, F2-7000-NW)
Total endface visibility with Live View from full trunk to individual endface
Integrates with Versiv™ Cabling Certification System and LinkWare™ Reporting Software for simple operation and documentation or with mobile phones for testing and sharing
Optional automated pass/fail results in seconds
Multiple Autofocus/Autocentering Camera design for real time imaging
Rugged, ergonomic design with convenient holster

CertiFiber® Pro Optical Loss Test Set
Accelerates every steps of fiber certification
CertiFiber Pro (model CFP2-100-M, CFP2-100-S, CFP2-100-Q, CFP2-100-QI).
Optical loss test set with fastest time to certify – two fibres at two wavelengths in under three seconds.
Encircled Flux compliant as required by ANSI/TIA and ISO/IEC
Merged Tier 1 (Basic) / Tier 2 (Extended) testing and reporting when paired with OptiFiber® Pro OTDR
ProjX™ management system ensures all jobs are completed correctly and efficiently
Optical loss test set provides automatic Pass/Fail analysis to industry standards or custom test limits