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Thanks to its fully integrated and complete test solution offering time-proven expertise, EXFO is a recognised leader in telecom network testing. Renowned for its field-smart innovative designs, EXFO is the world’s top supplier of portable optical testing solutions.


Light sources perform a variety of functions. While some fall under the multi-purpose category, providing automated features, others are optimized for specific tasks such as detecting faults, breaks and microbends in the fibre. The key is choosing the right light source for the job.

Power meters are part of the toolbox essentials for all technicians installing or maintaining any type of fibre networks. There are general-purpose power meters, semi-automated ones, as well as power meters optimized for certain types of networks, such as FTTx or LAN/WAN architectures. It’s a matter of choosing the right gear for the need.

Light Source — FLS-600

The FLS-600 Light Source is designed for first-class versatility—it offers laser and LED models, as well as various wavelength options.

Power Meter - FPM 600

Offers a memory capacity of 1000 data items and converter software, for easy data management and USB transfer to a PC. Comes with more than 40 calibrated wavelengths.

FLS-600 Light Source
FPM-600 Power Meter


It's a fact: dirty and/or damaged fibre connectors are one of the most common cause of optical network problems. And in today's context where operators must speed up their fibre deployment and operate under amplified OPEX pressure, any network failure prevented can make a difference.

Whether you are working with single-fibre or multifibre connectors, including MPO and MTP™, or with various infrastructures (FTTx, FTTA, DAS and small cells or data centers),  proper connector inspection is an essential best practice for fibre testing and installation, which must be included in all daily workflow procedures.

EXFO's automated and intelligent fibre inspection solutions are designed to speed up and simplify this critical step to any fibre testing and help you deploy faster, more reliable fibre networks.

FIP-400B Fibre Inspection Probe - Wireless


Fibre Inspection Probe - Wireless - FIP 400B

Turn your Android™ or iOS device into a fully automated fibre inspection solution delivering fast and consistent test results. With no wires in your way or cumbersome battery pack, it provides unmatched end-user experience, combined with bring-it-anywhere portability.

Performing network upgrades or optical testing requires a fibre to be disconnected. Live fibre detection allows to accurately detect traffic and measure signals anywhere on singlemode fibre, without having to disconnect it.

Live Fibre Identifier/Tone Generator Fibre Finder - LFD-300B/TG-300B

LFD 300B TG 300B Live Fibre Identifier

Pinpointing Live and Dark Fibres: Guesswork Ends Here

Performing network upgrade or optical testing requires a fibre to be disconnected. This is often easier said than done, since finding the right connection can be tricky, namely because of fibre mislabelling or poor record keeping. While the dark fibre can be identified using a tone generator (270 Hz, 1 kHz, 2 kHz), the live fibre identification technique often involves one technician pulling one end of the patchcord, with another technician trying to identify which patchcord is moving at the other end—a process that translates into long delays and can result in unnecessary service disruption.

Combined with the TG-300B Tone Generator, the innovative LFD-300B FiberFinder™ Live Fibre Identifier enables technicians to identify a specific live fibre without having to disconnect it and, above all, without having to guess.

This brings key benefits:

  • No more network outages as a result of fibre detection/identification procedures

  • The minimized need to access the network helps prevent errors

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